Terms of Sales
These general terms and conditions of sale apply from 1st January 2023.
Article 1 - Scope of application
1.1 The purpose of these general terms and conditions of sale is to define the contractual arrangements
between :
The Etablissement Public de Coopération Culturelle Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de Bataille (hereinafter referred to as "the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de Bataille"). This establishment groups together the sites of the Verdun Memorial, Fort of Vaux and Fort of Douaumont.
Whose head office is: 1 avenue du Corps Européen - 55101 Fleury-devant-Douaumont
Email: info@memorial-verdun.fr
Website: www.memorial-verdun.fr
Telephone number: 03 29 88 19 16
And any individual or legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) purchasing individual tickets on the online ticketing service of the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille "memorial-verdun.tickeasy.com".
1.2 The Buyer acknowledges having read these general terms and conditions of sale prior to placing his/her order. Full and unreserved acceptance of these terms and conditions of sale is mandatory for all orders.
1.3 The Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de Bataille reserves the right to adapt or modify these terms and conditions of sale at any time. In the event of modification, the general conditions of sale in force on the day of the order will be applied to each order.
Article 2 - Scope of application of these general conditions of sale
The "memorial-verdun.tickeasy.com" website offers online ticket sales for the following services:
"Verdun Memorial" gives access to the collections of the Verdun Memorial and its temporary exhibitions;
"Fort de Douaumont" gives access to the interior of the Fort de Douaumont;
"Fort de Vaux" gives access to the interior of the Vaux fort;
"Combined tickets": price offers for visits to two or three sites of the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille;
"Events": lectures, concerts, shows, screenings, follow the historian;
Article 3: Prices
3.1. The applicable prices are those in force at the time of the order.
The Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, but undertakes to apply the prices in force at the time the order is placed, subject to availability on that date.
3.2 Prices, conditions of reduction and exemption from admission fees can be consulted at the following address: https://memorial-verdun.fr/preparer-sa-visite/horaires-et-tarifs
Ticket prices are given in euros and include VAT.
3.3 The Buyer acknowledges that he/she is aware of any discounts or free admission to which he/she may be entitled for his/her visit. If these rates are not offered on the site, he/she waives them or agrees to purchase his/her tickets at the ticket offices of one of the three sites on the day of the visit.
3.4 Visitors who are entitled to a reduction or exemption from admission charges must make a free reservation at memorial-verdun.tickeasy.com (Article 6.5) and then present the relevant valid proof of entitlement at ticket inspection.
Article 4: Characteristics of tickets sold
4.1 The number of tickets sold online is limited to 10 per event.
4.2 The following information will appear on the tickets issued by the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille:
name and logo of the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille ;
surname and first name of the Purchaser;
name of the service sold ;
type of fare and amount in euros including tax;
the date of purchase of the ticket;
the barcode used to validate the ticket at the entrance to each of the three sites;
the transaction number assigned by the computer system;
the conditions for using the ticket;
the means of access to the Battlefield sites and their addresses;
Article 5: Conditions of use
5.1 Tickets purchased online are not time-stamped. They are therefore valid from the date of purchase until the annual closure period. The Purchaser may visit the three sites on the date and at the time he/she wishes during the period of validity.
Combined tickets give access to the Verdun Memorial, Fort Douaumont and Fort de Vaux, depending on the service chosen. All visits to each site are definitive: the ticket gives access to each site only once.
5.2 The opening times of the three sites are different. They can be consulted at https://memorial-verdun.fr/preparer-sa-visite/horaires-et-tarifs.
From 45 minutes before closing time at the Memorial, and from 30 minutes at the forts, entry is no longer permitted. Visitors are asked to return to the exits 15 minutes before closing time.
5.4 All tickets purchased online are personal and non-transferable. Individual tickets cannot be exchanged or resold.
5.5 Access to the event is subject to a validity check. Visitors must present their bar-coded ticket at the entrances to the three sites of the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille. Tickets downloaded onto smartphones are also accepted.
Any partially printed, soiled, damaged or illegible admission ticket cannot be accepted. Confirmation of purchase cannot be used as a ticket.
For combined tickets giving access to different sites on the Verdun Battlefield, visitors must show their ticket at the entrance to each site.
5.6 All holders of free or reduced-price tickets must present valid proof of entitlement when passing through access control. Access will be refused if this proof is not valid. All the conditions for free and reduced admission are available on the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille website: memorial-verdun.fr.
Only the valid documents listed on this page are accepted as proof of free or reduced admission.
5.7 Visitors must keep their ticket throughout the visit.
5.8 The first person to use the ticket is presumed to be the legitimate bearer. Access to the event will be refused to any other person subsequently presenting a copy of the ticket.
5.9 It is strictly forbidden to duplicate or counterfeit an admission ticket in any way whatsoever. Any person who illegally reproduces an admission ticket and/or uses a counterfeit admission ticket will be liable to prosecution.
Article 6: Order procedures
6.1 The Buyer purchases a ticket online as follows:
step 1: go to the ticketing page at memorial-verdun.tickeasy.com ;
step 2: choose your service(s);
step 3: select the corresponding price(s);
step 4: select the number of tickets you want;
step 5: click on "Add to basket";
step 6: create your user account or log in:
step 7: enter your contact details ;
step 8: accept the general terms and conditions of sale by ticking the appropriate box;
step 9: click on "Payment";
step 10: pay for the order by credit card.
6.2 Payment for tickets by the Buyer is made by bank card. The cards accepted are : MasterCard, Visa, Carte Bleue and American Express.
6.3 If the payment is accepted by the Merchant Processing Centre, the order confirmation is displayed.
6.4 As long as the payment has not been made, the content of the order may be modified.
Article 7: Payment security
7.1 Payment by bank card is made on the secure bank servers of the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille's partner (PayZen). In order to ensure the security of purchases, the site is equipped with the SSL encryption protocol (Secure Socket Layer and 3D Secure) and the new "Verified by Visa" and "MasterCard securecode" card authentication control standards in order to prevent fraudulent use of your bank card by third parties. This implies that no banking information concerning the Buyer is transmitted via the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille website. The order is thus recorded and validated as soon as payment is accepted by the Buyer's bank.
7.2 Credit card details are never transmitted unencrypted over the network. Payment is made directly to the bank.
7.3 The Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille reserves the right to refuse to honour an order from a Buyer who has not paid in full or in part for a previous order or with whom a payment dispute is in progress.
Article 8: Order confirmation
The order for tickets is only definitively confirmed and binding on the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille on receipt of the email confirming that the order has been validated.
This email contains
the order number ;
the service(s) concerned;
the total amount of the order;
how to print or download the ticket(s).
This email is only sent once the bank payment centres have given their approval.
Article 9: Obtaining tickets
The ticket is printable on receipt of the order confirmation email and can be downloaded from a link specified in this email or from the customer account. The Purchaser must print this ticket prior to their visit, without changing the print size, in full page and on blank white A4 paper. It is not possible to print the ticket on site. Tickets downloaded onto smartphones are also accepted. Each ticket corresponds to a service.
Article 10: Protection of personal data and cookies
10.1 The Buyer is informed that his/her personal data collected via the online ticketing site is used by the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille, which acts as a data controller within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter "General Data Protection Regulation".
When the order is placed, the following personal data is requested from the Buyer:
Surname, first name and e-mail address: for sending the Electronic Ticket;
Telephone number: in order to contact the Purchaser in the event of cancellation of the service;
Postcode, country: for statistical purposes.
10.2 The Buyer's personal data is collected for the following purposes: managing Orders and relations with the Buyer ;
sending the monthly electronic newsletter of the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille by e-mail (subject to the Buyer's prior acceptance by ticking the following sentence: "I wish to receive information about the Memorial and the Forts of Vaux and Douaumont"). The Purchaser may unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link included in each e-mail.
In this context, the legal basis for processing is either contractual when it comes to managing purchases, or based on consent as regards the Buyer's subscription to the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille's newsletter. The data recorded is reserved for use by the authorised departments of the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille and may be communicated to its subcontractor (Vivaticket), which is involved in the ticket purchase process, within the limits of what the subcontractor needs to know.
10.3 Personal data collected in this way will be kept for the following periods:
15 months from the online purchase ;
3 years from the last interaction (click on a link in the newsletter) for the newsletter.
10.4 Under the conditions laid down by the applicable regulations, the Buyer may :
request access to their personal data ;
request rectification of their personal data; or
request the deletion of their personal data;
request a restriction on the processing of their personal data;
object to the processing of their personal data;
withdraw their consent, where it has been given to the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille;
foresee the fate of their personal data post-mortem.
The Buyer also has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. For the CNIL, the Buyer may, in particular, go to the following address: https://www.cnil.fr/fr/plaintes.
10.5 The memorial-verdun.tickeasy.com website uses different types of cookies. Cookies are text files that may be used by websites to make the user experience more efficient or for statistical purposes.
The law specifies that the site memorial-verdun.tickeasy.com may store cookies on the Purchaser's device only if they are strictly necessary for the operation of the site. For all other types of cookies, the Buyer's consent is required.
Users may modify or withdraw their consent at any time in accordance with the Declaration relating to cookies on the site.
The blocking of these cookies by the user in no way impairs navigation on the site or access to its content.
Article 11: Cancellation, exchange and refund
11.1 The sale of entry tickets for the sites or services linked to them is treated as a sale of leisure services and, in accordance with article L 121-21-8-12° of the French Consumer Code, does not give rise to any right of withdrawal.
11.2 All tickets issued are non-transferable, non-changeable and non-exchangeable and may not be cancelled or resold.
11.3 The Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille reserves the right to modify its opening and closing times to ensure the safety of people and property on the Battlefield of Verdun site.
11.4 In the event of closure or disruption of opening times, the Buyer accepts that the Ticketing Service, insofar as possible, may use the contact details he/she entered at the time of booking to keep him/her informed of the procedure to be followed. The Buyer will be contacted as soon as possible to inform him/her of this and offer to postpone the performance concerned. If postponement is impossible, the Purchaser may request a refund from the Ticketing Service. This request must be made within (30) thirty days of the date of cancellation or modification of the service, on presentation of proof of purchase (ticket(s) and confirmation of purchase) accompanied by a bank details details slip and his/her postal address:
by email to info@memorial-verdun.fr;
by post to Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille:
1 avenue du Corps Européen
BP60048 Fleury-devant-Douaumont
55101 Verdun Cedex
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
11.5 The purchase of a Ticket implies acceptance of the regulations governing visits to the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille. The Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille reserves the right to deny access to any person whose behaviour is likely to hinder the smooth running of the public service.
Article 12: Objection to a bank debit
In the event of a dispute due to theft or loss of the payment card, the Buyer must immediately stop the payment by calling the number indicated by the payment card issuer or 0 892 705 705 (service open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). In the event of theft, the Customer must lodge a complaint with the relevant authorities.
Article 13: Liability
13.1 The Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille shall not be held responsible for the non-performance of the contract entered into due to force majeure, as defined by article 1218 of the French Civil Code and case law, disruption or total or partial strike, particularly of postal services and means of transport and/or communications, flooding or fire.
13.2 The Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille cannot be held responsible for the use of the tickets purchased, the Buyer being solely responsible for their use by him/herself or by a third party. It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to check the ticket(s) and the confirmation of the online purchase when they are received in his/her electronic mailbox.
No dispute will be accepted in the event of illegal reproduction made without the visitor's knowledge.
The Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille declines all responsibility in the event of loss or theft of the entry fee(s), including within the site concerned.
13.3 For any questions or information concerning the use of the online ticketing service, the conditions of use of tickets and the procedures for ordering, issuing and refunding tickets, the Buyer may first consult the ticketing service FAQ at the following address: memorial-verdun.tickeasy.com/en-GB/faq. If the information they are looking for is not there, they can contact the ticketing service:
- by email at info@memorial-verdun.fr;
- by post, to the following address:
Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille
1 avenue du Corps Européen
BP60048 Fleury-devant-Douaumont
55101 Verdun Cedex
Article 14: Applicable law - disputes
All Visitors are subject to the rules governing visits to the Mémorial de Verdun - Champ de bataille when visiting the three sites of the Memorial.
Sales made through this Ticketing Service are subject to French law.
In the event of a dispute or complaint, the Purchaser may contact the department in charge of visitors. They will then seek a joint agreement. If no amicable solution can be found, the matter may be referred to the Verdun court, which has sole legal jurisdiction.